Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship

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This book is a must for any developer, software engineer, project manager, team lead, or systems analyst with an interest in producing better code.

rating 5

Clean Code is one of the top 5 recommended reading for Software Developers. The Book is divided into 3 parts.

  1. principles, practices of writing clean code.
  2. Case studies (take days to complete).
  3. Nutshell containing heuristics.


There are two parts to learning:

  1. Craftsmanship
  2. Knowledge.

Learning to Clean Code is hard work. It requires practice.

As the mess builds, the productivity of the team continues to decrease, asymptotically approaching zero.

The time spent on reading vs writing code is 10:1. So, code should be written as clean as possible.

Meaningful Names

use intention revealing names

The name should tell you why it exists.
Eg. of bad name. int d

Eg of good name. int elapsedTimeInDays;

Avoid disinformation

Don’t name variable with reserved keyword like accountList unless it is really a list.
Name it accountGroup

Make meaningful distinctions.

Programmer make mistakes when they write variable names solely to satisfy the compiler or interpreter. Don’t add noise words or random numbers to make distinct variables.

Number series naming

it is non-informative as it provides no context. (a1,

Noise words

Noise words are words like variable table which adds no additional meaning to the variable name.

Use distinct names

Names such as money and moneyAccount are difficult to distinguish and creates ambiguity.

Use pronounceable Names

Use names like generationTimestamp instead of genymdnms

Use searchable Names

Use searchable names instead of constants. Use MAX_CLASSES_PER_STUDENT instead of 7

Avoid Encodings

Member prefixes

Avoid member prefixes. Your class should be small enough to that you don’t need them. Example.. use String description instead of String m_desc

Interface and implementation

The I in IShapeFactory provides too much information. Its better to name it as ShapeFactory. Its better to encode the implementation with either ShapeFactoryImpl or CShapeFactory

Avoid mental Mapping

Use single letters i,j,k when the scope is very small. This adds the overhead of mapping the letters to its original context.

Clarity is the king.

Class Names

Class name should be a noun or noun phrase like Customer , WikiPage Account AddressParser. Avoid words like Manager, Data, Processor in the name of a class.

Method Names

Methods should have verb or verb phrase. postPayment, deletePage, save

When constructors are overloaded

Complex fulcrumPoint = Complex.FromRealNumber(23.0);

is better than
Complex fulcrumPoint = new Complex(23.0); so, use static methods for this.

Make constructor private to enforce this.

Don’t use slangs or cultural jokes

  • Use deleteItems instead of holyHandGrenades.
  • use kill instead of whack

Pick one word per concept

Be clear.

  • The words fetch, retrieve and get imply same meaning.
  • Pick one word per abstract concept.

use solution Domain Names

  • Use names from computer science.
  • Most programmer would know about JobQueue or AccountVisitor implying visitor pattern.

Use problem domain names

  • Separating solution and problem domain concepts is part of the job of a good programmer.
  • Use names from problem domain when there is no programming name for what you are doing.